Mission and Vision
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IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
IEEE's core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
IEEE will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions.
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About Us

W ithin a decade of the establishment of the IEEE Student Branch in College of Engineering, Vadakara, Our Branch is said to be one of the active working SB in the Kerala State. Now IEEE SB CEV has a total of 70+ Student Members and 3 Graduate Members.Our SB also has its three active societies, IEEE Computer Society with 50+ Active Members, IEEE Power Energy Society , IEEE Education Society and also the Women in Engineering Affinity Group (WiE AG) to motivate and support the young and talented students to achieve their greater future and career .

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Recent Activities
IEEE Day 2024 - LOL : Laughing Out Logic
IEEE Day 2024 - LOL : Laughing Out Logic
Procomm'24 - IEEE Comsoc KC
Procomm'24 - IEEE Comsoc KC
PES High Performing SBC (HPSBCP) Grant
PES High Performing SBC (HPSBCP) Grant
Event Registration
LOL: Laughing Out Logic - IEEE Day 2024
LOL: Laughing Out Logic - IEEE Day 2024
Industrial Insight
Industrial Insight
Tricolour Trivia
Tricolour Trivia
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